
Mealtime is Family Time

Mealtime is Family Time is a colorful, no-cost nutrition education program that advises pre-school teachers, parents and caregivers about feeding young children based on the principles of the division of responsibility in feeding and USDA core nutrition messages.

  • 3-minute still frame/video program with reinforcement materials.
  • Designed for individuals with basic reading skills and limited resources.
  • Available in Spanish.

Use in health centers, schools, WIC sites, health displays/fairs, SNAP-Ed sites or assistance offices, and food pantries.

Download Materials

We are glad to offer evidence-based and easy-to-use educational materials at no-cost. Click on each item to download.


View more ne/Frames

■ Foods & Nutrients

Should I eat less SALT?

› English

› Spanish

Eggs Can Make it Happen!

› English

Everyone Needs Folic Acid

› English

› Spanish

A Guide to Healthy Foods & Herbs

› English

› Spanish

A Guide to Whole Grain Foods

› English

› Spanish

■ Health

Preventing TYPE 2 Diabetes. You can start today.

› English

Eating for HEALTHY TEETH & A Great Smile

› English

› Spanish

My Child's Weight

› English

› Spanish

Active Kids: What’s Your Role?

› English

■ Mealtime

Be Smart. Get a Good Start . . . Breakfast

› English

Eating Together as a Family is Worth It 

› English

› Spanish

Mealtime is Family Time

› English

› Spanish

■ Resources

A Guide to Eating Well – PA

› English

A Guide to Eating Well - Philadelphia

› English

› Spanish