what we do

NEEDs Center Mission

Engineer and design research and evaluation services that foster promotion and delivery of evidence-based health and nutrition education.

NEEDs approaches nutrition education as a design and engineering problem, identifying/mobilizing expert researchers and practitioners in evaluation, statistical analyses, education, nutritional sciences, and health promotion. We address health and nutrition education of all audiences including low-income and SNAP-eligible persons.

We are affiliated with the Wegmans School of Health and Nutrition in the College of Health Sciences and Technology, Rochester Institute of Technology, Rochester, NY.

Learn more about our work by reviewing our research pages—Publications, Posters and the Satter Eating Competence Model. You may also view individual NEEDs programs located in the drop down menu under Resources.

NEEDs Center Services

Our services instill research into nutrition education to impact behavior and integrate education into translational research so that “bench to bedside” is re-aligned as “bench to behavior.”

We Address Four Critical Areas of Activity:

Measurement – Instrument/measurement design, development, psychometric performance

Data-Management, analysis, interpretation

Interventions and Materials – Formative development, testing, delivery, distribution

Nutrition Education Outcome/Impact Assessment-Research design and strategy, coordination, implementation; quality control

Our Team and Collaborators

Faculty and Staff


We Service a Client Base of:

  • Researchers
  • Government/contract agencies addressing nutrition and related health education issues
  • Non-profit organizations focused on nutrition and health
  • Nutrition education professionals in industry, healthcare, community, outreach
  • SNAP-Ed implementing agencies and partners